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Psalm 77 Reimagined

Posted by Pastor Janae Pitts-Murdock on

The following psalms were written in response to the sermon delivered by our Interim Senior Pastor, Rev. Janae Pitts-Murdock, on Sunday, May 3, 2020.  In her sermon Pandemic Playlist: Psalm 77, Pastor Janae illuminated the wisdom of the exiled Israelites as instructive for this moment in history –

  1. Make God a Priority;
  2. Manage Your Panic; and
  3. Meditate on the Power of God.

These psalms are the results of our sermon reflection, Bible reading, and meditation on the power of God.

For a moving meditation, read them while listening to the Pandemic Playlist – Week 2.


Psalm 77 Reimagined by Bryant Clayton, Jr. 


Psalm 77: 13-20 A Psalm of Beth

by Beth Shaw


13 You Lord are Holy. Your name is Holy. All the creatures of Heaven declare Your Holiness. Your ways are Holy. You alone are Holy. I praise and glorify You for the unfathomable gift of filling me with the Holiness of Your Spirit; that I may abound in every good work for which You ordained for my life. You are Holy, and in You, so am I.

14 You Lord have shown miraculous saving power in my life even before You pushed me from my mother’s womb. My twin brother returned to You before seeing the light of this life; but You oh God, shielded me and deposited in me not only my purpose,  but his purpose (for no creation is made by You without purpose). You gave me a double anointing that I may serve You for the both of us. has not been revealed by flesh and blood but by the Spirit of God).  You are Holy Anointed Purpose, and in You, so am I.               

15 You Lord have redeemed me from the snare of the fowler, the present  darkness, destructions lurking, and even death. Your great care Jehovah has not let the waters overcome me nor the fire burn me in times of life overwhelming. Your continued, ever present, loving redemption saves and lifts me, transforms me, and grows me.  The thought of how this gift of redemptive love cost You humbles me. It is the verb of my sanctification and reminds me that I must always say so. You are the Only True Redeemer. You are the Great Sacrifice, given for my sins, yet sinless, and in You, so am I.

16 You Lord are Creator of everything! There is nothing that exists without You. The billions of galaxies, the innumerable gift of the stars named individually by You; the earth under the sea and above, each grain of sand, and every blade of grass, every living creature, be it the fowl of the air, or the crawlers of the earth; the wind, the rain, the snow, the mountains, the valleys; the richness of earth and that which appears desolate to us;  the waves of the sea reaching toward heaven, every soul ever created-EVERYTHING is Yours. You are Yahweh, the Father, the Creator; all is Wondrous, and in You, so am I.

17 When all the heavens and earth are greeted by Your Presence, they react in whirlwinds, and great flashes in the universal space, clamorous noise, quakes, and eruption at the recognition of Your Greatness, Power, Majesty and Authority. Heaven and earth respond to Your Presence unhindered by what they are, how they operate, or how You made them. You alone are worthy of unbridled worship. The Universes are eager to worship You, and so am I.                                                               

18 When You, the Light, arrive and Your voice is heard, though creation cannot see You coming or leaving, Your Glory I have felt, and the atmosphere of my being changed. Your Holiness puts me on my face. Your Presence brings deliverance, healing, anointing, giftings, peace, authority, knowledge, repentance, and visons of miracles, signs, and wonders. Your Presence wraps around me, holds me until I know, feel, and receive Your LOVE, so that I can love like You. Creation is obedient to Your Presence, and so am I.


19 Oh that I would respond to Your greatness, Your mercy, Your faithfulness, Your kindness, Your Power, Your Holiness, Your Sacrifice, and Your Love as nature responds- always freely, genuinely, powerfully, and without reservation. You are worthy of my everything, and that I well know.


 20 You provide freedom from the oppressor. You free me from bondage. You provide light in darkness. You heal, deliver, and have gifted me. You give me safe passage through the sea of life as the enemy chases me with weapons of death and destruction. But You have trained my hands for war and my fingers for battle. You filled me with. Your Spirit and how I love Him. Oh, how You have been faithful in Your love for me.  And still, as Your chosen ones in the wilderness, I forget. Forgive me. You are the Faithful God, and to You my heart is committed.





Psalm 77: 12-20 Reimagined

By: Rev. Blanche Wright


12 I cannot stop thinking about how you delivered me from drugs, taught me how to read at twenty-nine, and helped me raise my daughter and three nieces with your mighty words.

13 O God, your ways are holy, Is there any man as mighty as you?

14 You are the God of Magnificent Power! You have demonstrated your awesome power among my enemies who raped me of my innocence and you showed me great favor by teaching me how to forgive. Preparing a table in the presence of enemies.

15 By your strong arm, you redeemed me and my enemies, descendants of the Hester’s and church family.

16 When evil tried to over take me leaving me homeless, O God you saw me.

17 And the Red Sea parted. And you Lord allowed me to build not just one home but two.  You blessed me with my own hair business and now I’m teaching children.

18 You gave me the power to go back to school and succeed by earning my Masters of Divinity through your Master Plan as I stay on the majestic road.

19 Your road led me on a path to let go of those who said, I would never amount to nothing. My journey helped me know how to love my enemies and myself.

20 You are my Good Shepard, who knows how to keep me safe in your pasture, who led me back to the path of righteousness and for that, now I am a witness of your great works



Psalm 77 Reimagined

by: Laurita Smith


Oh Lord, our Lord how excellent in your name in all the earth, Great is your mercies toward me

I have loved you since I was a child, seeking to know more about you oh Lord

I studied your word, and I found you to be a true to your word.  You kept me as a single mother as I struggled to raise my child.  You kept me through the difficulties of life, the hurts and disappointments, but you were only a prayer away.  When facing harder trials losing parents, health challenges, and Job loss you have been faithful and brought me safely through it all.  As you get older and grow in wisdom, you realize that it’s just Jesus! And he alone, beside him there is no other savior.  Nothing else compares to him, his peace and his comfort.  To God be all the Glory for the things he has done.  Amen



Psalm 77:13-20 Reimagined

By: Elder Camille Hill


I know that God is truly holy & that there is no other god above Him.

God has met me in so many ways. While being divorced and a single working parent, through scholarships I was able to put three children through college.

I was able while working to take care of my mother and her sister (who never married or had children). They had Alzheimer and dementia. They were in the nursing home.
            When I had congested heart failure and using all my accumulated sick and vacation leave I was without a pay check for three months. I was told that it would take 6 to 9 months before my disability would come through. It only took 2 months
       I could go on & on how God has met me. Whenever a storm comes up I think back on the storms He has brought me through, and believe me there have been many. I thank Him and praise Him for all He's done.




Vivian's Psalm

by: Vivian Murrell


My Heavenly Father, I am always in awe, but never surprised, by your wondrous works and mighty acts,

Your grace has kept me for 61 years, and I am truly grateful for what you have been in my life and the lives of those I love.

As I look back over my life, I've experienced your healing power - a breast cancer diagnosis that required surgery but did not require chemo or radiation; a sister who suffered a brain aneurysm during the same time.  She spent 35 days in the hospital after brain surgery, and glory to God she is completely healed.

When depression and anxiety attacked my mind and body, you never left me.  You spoke encouragement and joy into my spirit when all my hope was gone.

O God, you blessed me with a wonderful village - my late Mother and Father whom you blessed with so much love and wisdom, siblings who take care of each other, a wonderful husband, children and grandchildren.  All healthy and happy!

Thank you Lord for keeping me.  I will forever give you glory, honor and praise.



Psalm 77:13-20 Reimagined

by: Marcella Clayton


Sovereign Lord, you have orchestrated the events of my days,
It is with gratitude, Omniscient Father, I give you praise.
Not to tell of your goodness I'd be very remiss,
For you've always prepared the way for me before a crisis.
The funds to complete my education when my savings were all gone,
The prefect setup after an interstate blowout hundreds of miles away from home.
Peace and contentment when the job position went away,
And countless "small" miracles shown me from day to day.
Omnipotent God, you've seen me through situations time and time again,
It is with confidence I trust you now, my Omnipresent friend.
Sovereign Lord, how you have orchestrated the events of my days!
It is with gratitude, Omniscient Father, I give you all the praise.



Psalm 77:13-20 Reimagined

by: Basil Smotherman


  1. Oh god you are mighty and great and you have Moses and you will leave me my family and my church L WCC.

  2. God Although  we are in a troubled time now you will save us if we anoint ourselves with oil and trust that you will deliver us.

  3. Lord God, you redeemed Israel and You will Bring us from these days of trouble and these times too will pass.

16. Lord God, you parted the Red Sea and we will see mighty and great things as you condemned this virus.

  1. Lord God, we must be still so that we can hear your words.

  2. And God through all the noise of this disease and the corruption we must still listen for your voice.

  3. Lord, you said that you brought us this far, and you will not leave us now.

  4. Lord God thanks for your mercy, grace, and protection in times of trouble.



Revised Psalm verses 13-20: Based on my personal experiences

By: Gwendolyn M. Hardiman


Truly, you are the God of miracles and wonders in my life, and still demonstrating your awesome power.  In 2009 after my annual mammogram I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  During this time my daughter, Rachelle Hardiman Bible, delivered our precious baby girl, Shelbee Ann Marie Bible, in 2010. Not realizing this during the anticipation of her birth, the mighty miracle was, it was stage... ZERO.  My wonderful doctor performed the lumpectomy before Christmas.  I received a call from her 2 weeks later saying the margins were close and could she perform surgery again.   Doctor Kim was on her way out of the country for Christmas.  Her thoughtfulness in willing to put her preparations on hold for traveling, to this day, has me in total amazement.  She wanted to be sure she got it all.  What a miracle and a wonder!  Shelbee is now 10 years old and I am grateful for the encounter with a miracle working God!

God has continued to show himself strong in my life in the areas of work, personal relationships, and church.  Our selection of our Interim Senior Pastor was a mighty act that only a kind and loving God would allow.  Light of the World Christian Church is a 154- year-old congregation that has had only male pastors to lead this historical institution.  God allowed a Search Committee to meet and search for the treasure that we found in Rev. R. Janae Pitts Murdock.  The earth trembled and shook when she restored confidence, integrity, humility, and love for God and His people.  The wonderous sermon series, personal involvement and availability has brought a peace and fresh wind in our midst.  When pastor arrived, her contract didn't include the change of events that occurred when the global pandemic struck quite unexpectantly.  But God, and Pastor Janae began immediately to work with the Worship Planning Team to keep the church connected virtually.  When Covid-19 saw the Lord, it trembled to its depths!  Your lightning flashed and our congregation has been held by an obedient pastor, a loyal worship planning team and God's grace.  Many former members have connected virtually and feel our fire burning and renewed interests in rejoining our church.  In times of trouble, people want leadership, love, and the Word of God. The lightning lit up in Indianapolis, Indiana when Rev. R. Janae Pitts Murdock arrived.  Eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard, what God has in store for those that love him at LWCC.

In my study this morning, Deuteronomy 4:9 stated: "But watch out! Be very careful never to forget what you have seen God doing for you.  May his miracles have a deep and permanent effect upon your lives!  Tell your children and your grandchildren about the glorious miracles He did!”



Psalm 77:13–20 (LFV)

By: Aimee Laramore


13 Your way, O God, is Dope.

      What god is great like the Laramore Movement God?

      14 You are the God who has our collective backs;

      you have repeatedly reminded the hard headed your power among the masses and haters.

      15 You with your arm delivered your folks,

      the children of Caleara and Robert, the children of Lydia and Steve, the children regardless             of their forefathers and foremothers, all the children. Selah

      16 When the universe saw you, our personal omnipresent God,

      when the galaxy and stars saw the entirety of you, they were anxious;

      in fact, the universe trembled.

      17 Michigan poured out unemployment;

      Marriage and parenting yielded unforeseen troubles and uncharted territory;

      your living witnesses of love and goodness showed up in every way possible.

      18 The magnitude of your presence was in the chaos;

      Your provision silenced the entire world;

      the earth stopped and took notice. So did we.

      19 To be honest, Your way is hard,

      your path through the monsoon;

      yet your masterplan was invisible as you carried us.

      20 You did your thing, facts,

            By the hand of Robert, Keith, Eric and Janae.  Selah.




Reimagined Psalm

by: Lavada Spencer


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. I was in a coma for over six months. I could feel GODS ever changing hands wrapped all around my body. I seen the clouds, I heard the thunder. He explained to me how my recovery going to go. GOD woke me up from out of my coma, that was the day my life was forever changed. I had a new vision GOD. he is still working miracles in my life. He brought me out a wheelchair of four years. It is what he's done, doing and will continue to do. No weapon form against me shall prosper. I can do all things through CHRIST that strengthens ME.


This is my story for GODS people. AMEN         






Psalm 77: 13-20 Reimagined

by: Vella Kent Esiso


Father God, you are holy and merciful, you performed a miracle in my life when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago and you allowed me to survive.

You calmed my fears Lord God and healed my body.  You have continued to answer my prayer that I remain cancer free and you have allowed me to use my time and talent to serve those in need.  During this journey Lord you have revealed to me that you are in control and that has given me everlasting peace.






Sheila's Version Psalm 77:13-20

by Rev. Sheila P. Spencer


God, you GOT me!  There’s no contest – ain’t nobody like you.  Your power has made me a walking miracle in the midst of a chaotic world.  Imma tell everybody.  Your redemption flowed from my ancestors down to me and beyond me. God, you GOT me!

When I was overwhelmed and drowning, the ocean saw you and got scared, realized it had no depth and had to surrender to you.  When I cried out to you in the midst of my life storms, your thunderous power came through and your presence brought light and life into my dark moment. The earth shook because it knew it had to bow down to you. Because you are God like that, God, you Got Me.

I understand when my family said you make a way out of no way, you blaze a path for me and No One can backtrack and figure out how you did it. God, you GOT me.

You cover and protect me and place me in the hand of loving pastors, God, you GOT me!!  You GOT me!!



Psalm 77:13-20 Mash Up

By Elder Myron Richardson


O God, you are high in the heavens and reign over all.

I place no other god before you.

Everything that happens on earth, you make it so.

I have seen you perform mighty works before.  I have learned about your marvelous works even before the beginning of time itself.

Through many dangers toils and snares you have brought me.

I would be speechless to count the number of times you have shown up when my back was against the wall. You rescued me every time.

You have parted the Red Seas in my life.  You said “Peace be Still” to my personal Seas of Galilee.

The waters obeyed your command in obedience.

Even though the sky sometimes rains sheets of water in my life.

Even as clouds explode with the thunder and lightning of Coronavirus which rocks my world.

I know you will come right into my situation.  Lord, you will command, and I will not even know you were there; but you were.

Lord you have always shown up in the hearts of the faithful to lead your people to safety.  SELAH




Psalm 77: 13-20 Reimagined

by Denise Halliburton


Father! Your way is right! You are my waymaker!

There is no other god but You!

You're the miracle worker and promise keeper, you do all things well and for my good!


You formed and grew me in my Mother's womb, even though she didn't want to be pregnant with me.

After delivery they brought a male infant to her; she knew he was not hers because she saw me before they took me to the nursery. You changed her mind about me and made a way for me! 




 My unholy marriage dissolved under your mighty right hand.


You caused your sun to shine brightly and radiantly over my head, bursting through your sky so clear and blue.


You set me on a right path and steadied me.


I never heard a still small voice but felt your life corrections blessing me from the study of your word. 


Over and over again you've proven yourself to me. 




Lead me forward through this pandemic by your powerful hand through the leadership of your servant, Pastor Janae.






Psalm 77: 13-20 Reimagined

By: Rev. Dr. Luwanna Scott


LORD God, Thou are Greater than Great Most High, I recall how you pulled me out of child abuse, drug addiction and oppression, how you restored my family. I recall your sending me as a voice to Capitol Hill, to speak on behalf of our homeless neighbors, how after my baby was drowned in a lake 45 minutes, pronounced dead on arrival how I prayed and You breathed life back into her. I could go on and on. I know God that because You brought us thru all that, You are bringing us thru this. I thank You for all the Moses' and Aaron's and Esther's You used to bring us thus far on this pathway. Amen.






Psalm 77 (rewritten)     A Psalm of Cynthia

 I wonder and will remember

By Minister Cynthia Newman


God, because the world is uncertain and in perilous times, I wonder…

What the future holds, how the world will be different, what will be our new normal?

How will our life change from the busyness that kept us occupied and often away from you?

How will our soul and spirit will emerge after this time of quarantine?


Then, I am again reminded that while I don’t know what the future holds, I know YOU, O God, hold the future. Looking ahead causes me to look back and remember.


I remember:

How you brought us through domestic violence as a child.

How you gave my mother grace and mercy to raise five daughters in her singleness because she put her trust in you.

The times that you kept your name, Jehovah Jireh, before us and provided for our every need.

How you sent another father, William Turner, to be priest, provider and protector and gave us a new home. SELAH (hard stop because everything changed at this point!)


You carried us through college as a young married couple. I was but a mere child bride but you kept us together even past our worst days.

You delivered me from life threatening illness as a young woman, literally reversing the curse of the enemy and the report of the doctors by restoring me to full health.

You kept us safe over thousands of days and miles of travel, each time to return to a home in tact.

You kept us and our business from financial ruin even in the worst of times.

You brought a much prayed for son into our lives.

You grew my faith as I learned to trust your word.


Lord when I remember all of this…how can I question the future? Your faithfulness and graciousness toward me are much too great to name.

Though I wonder… I will remember and that brings me peace.

Great is thou faithfulness Lord unto me.



Psalm 77:13-20 Reimagined

By Monica Wearren


13 Psalmists sing your name God! Wholly Holy.  Nobody Greater. Two of my favorites!
4 And now, in the midst of this storm (which Your hand is on TOO), you are REALLY showing off! Wildlife with ANTLERS walking down sidewalks. Dolphins swimming in city canals, oceans glowing with plankton. Mountain tops and skylines are being revealed that once used to be hidden in smog.

15 EVERYONE can see them clearly, can see YOU clearly and are being restored to You. 

16 God, I am being restored to you.You saw my drying bones. You saw them and You said to them ”Be still. Stop chasing the waterfall. Let it flow. It WILL come to you, carrying TO you what is FOR you. Your thirst WILL be quenched, if you’ll soak...”

17 You saw my heavy head, grabbed my wet face in your hands and thunder-clapped “I said be still!”  My plans, my #goals, my song-and-dances, my on-the-go-ness, my Who-run-the-world-girlness halted when the world did

18 “I AM the world.  and then you stopped it. “Now that I have your FULL attention, listen to me: Monica, Monica, I don’t need you to hustle-slay-work-hard-play-hard-grind-perform-engage-achieve-preen-prove-dance-move-manifest-shine-glow-up or even show up. I need you to be still with Me. ‘I am the river whose streams make glad the city of God’ remember? Be still then. Let ME flow.” 

19 Lord you’re leading me through the fog, clearing the distractions, quieting my swimming and my treading and striving, stilling me, soaking my drying bones. 

20 Ok God, you got a sense of humor! We are all apart, and yet You are STILL gettin us all the way together lol. 


Psalm 77:13-20 Reflection by Joyce James

13. “O God, your ways are holy.  Where is there any other as mighty as you?”

Living in Cleveland, Ohio, you are accustomed to bad weather.  It is always snowy and icy in the winter.  There was nothing unfamiliar about this particular snowy morning while I was driving to work.  There was “black ice” under the thick snow.  Traffic was slow and heavy. 

14. You are the God of Miracles and Wonders:  You still demonstrate your awesome Power!”


I started slipping and sliding across the road.  I was losing control of the car.  I know how to drive on ice, so I knew I couldn’t hit the brake.  I was doing all of the right things you do when you hit ice.  I was turning the wheel opposite the skid, but I couldn’t stop sliding.  As I went around the curve on the highway, I looked over the hillside and I said, “OK Lord, you haven’t stopped me yet!” 


15. “You have redeemed us who are the sons of Jacob and Joseph by your might.”


16. “When the Red Sea saw you, how it feared!  It trembled to it’s depths!”


17. “The clouds poured down their rain, the thunder rolled and cracked the sky.  Your lightning flashed.”


After rounding the edge of the curve, I slid back across the road and hit the wall in the center of the highway.  I was then sliding back across the highway.  I caught a glimpse of the 18 wheel truck behind me.  He angled his truck across the road so no one could move toward me on the highway.


18. “There was thunder in the whirlwind; the lightning lighted up the world!   The earth trembled and shook!”


My car stopped! 

Now I didn’t know what to do.  I called my husband and explained what just happened. I needed to know what to do!  The car stopped….Should I step on the brake?  The car was still running, my foot was not on the brake.  As I slid back across the highway looking down the hillside, the car stopped! 


He did not answer me.  The trucker came to the window to see if I was ok.  I asked him if I should step on the brake?  He just looked at me. He said I should go to the police station because they could not get on the highway to help me.


19. “Your road led by a pathway through the sea, a pathway no one knew was there!”


    I went to the police station to report the accident.  As I waited, several truckers         were talking about the accident on the highway and the car that slid across the highway on two wheels and bounced off the wall!


20.  You led your people along that road like a flock of sheep, with Moses and Aaron as their shepherds.”    


I wasn’t afraid as I looked over the edge of that road or as I crossed the road and hit the wall, because I expected God to take care of me.  He said He would!  He stopped the car for me.  I didn’t know how to stop the car from sliding, but He stopped the car!  I never touched the brake until the trucker checked the car.



Psalm 77 Verses 13-20: My version.

by Sandra Connor


You are here, oh Lord. How great is that? And how great are YOU?! You are all that!!

You do and are doing wonderful things. I see You. I see your strong hands surrounding us… freeing us.

Just as you led the ancient Israelites, you are leading us through every storm. Even when we fear that we may drown, You remind us that no mere water, ocean depths, nor troubled seas have an ounce of power next to You.

I see Your Light and am enlightened.







Psalm 77:13-20 rewrite

by Kathi Ridley-Merriweather



13 Your ways, God, are amazing.
    What god is anything like You?
14 You are the God who performs miracles;
    you share your power among the grieving.
15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your servant Kathi,
    the descendant of Tom and Louise.

16 The pain saw you, God,
    the pain saw you and eased;
    the very nerve endings were soothed.
17 My eyes poured down water,
    my head resounded with thunder;
    your arms wrapped round and round.
18 Your thunder was heard in my grief,
    your lightning lit up my mind;
    my body trembled and quaked.
19 Your path led through the devastation,
    your way through the awful pain,
    though to see You took faith.

20 You led me like a child
    by the hand of her mommy.






Psalm 77: 13-20 Reimagined

by Rev. LaMarco Cable


Holy, holy, holy

Through and through you are holy

Other gods pale in comparison to you


You perform miracles from east to west

And from north to south


You have been faithful, O God

Faithful through the ages

Delivering your people

from anxiety, injustice, generational bondage

The elements of the earth

Tremble with praise in your presence


Like with Moses and Aaron

You lead and guide your people to the promised land

In this life and beyond.




"Maudine's Psalm of God's Mighty Acts"

By Rev. Maudine Wordlaw


Everything that God has done for me, how can I forget.  In my times of distress, I cried out to Him for help.  He came to my rescue.  He walks and talks with me.  He was the healer in my hospital room.  He has always provided for me even when there is no money, He will open ways for me to receive what I need to do whatever I desire or endeavor to do.

God has walked with me in the valley of despair, then He lifted me up to mountaintop experiences and positions that I was not expecting, for this I give Him Thanks and Praise.


There is no God who can surpass my God.  He is the sustainer and keeper of my Soul.  Nobody can make me doubt Him, I know too much about Him!


Psalms 77: 13-20

God’s Greatness and Goodness

by Sue Cosper


  1. O God, your ways are holy. Where is there any other mighty as you?
  2. You are the God of miracles and wonders! You still demonstrate your awesome power.
  3. You have redeemed me by your might. Selah.
  4. When I was given a choice of returning in the fall to Ball State University and flunking out after the first quarter, then staying out a year and giving it another chance the following year, how I feared. At that time my major was sociology. (In grade six, Dr. Morton-Finney told me that I should be a social worker because I was always in someone’s business. I thought he saw a gift in me.) When I explained to my advisor that he needed to give me choice B because Choice A was not doable for me, he told me to go home for the summer and he would get back with me before the start of school in the fall. I trembled in the fall, just four days before school would begin because through the summer I never got the opportunity to explain this to my parents.
  5. I was driving down Delaware Street returning home from my last day of summer employment when tears welled up in my eyes so badly that I could not see to drive. I pulled my car over and went into a building to get a tissue. I took the box of tissue from a desk where a white haired receptionist worked. I sat down and cried. I did not know what the building was.
  6. I stopped crying when I used the last tissue. An elderly gentleman with snow white hair asked me if I felt better as I sat across from him in his office. He explained that he was the assistant superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools. He said that he promised his boss that by 5:00 he would have hired a kindergarten teacher. I walked in at 5:00. He said that I cried through the interview, but he had gotten enough information to hire me. He even revealed that the discussion he had with my Ball State advisor gave him a new plan for the upcoming year. I would teach 3/5 of the day, and take classes the other 2/5 of the day to raise my grades. I agreed.
  7. The assistant superintendent was a member of my church. I was introduced to a new advisor, who seemed interested in helping me. I took swimming and dancing to raise my grades because those were the only two things I excelled in. I also took some educational classes and changed my major from sociology to elementary education. When sociology was my major, my only failing class was sociology.
  8. I taught 45 years ending my career with having been honored with teacher of the year, and a principal’s license. WONT HE DO IT?




